Thousands of Irish people are prepare to jet away at the end of the month as the mid-term break from schools looms.

While many volition be seeking out winter sun or city breaks beyond Europe, some volition exist heading farther afield with the U.s.a. on the elevation of the list for many travellers.

America reopened its borders to people journeying from Ireland on November eight subsequently a 20-calendar month ban imposed on numerous nations in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

After the Omicron wave over Christmas, many tourists will exist jumping at the chance to visit cities like New York, Boston and Chicago afterwards almost two years of existence restricted from travelling to the States.

Despite the reopened borders, in that location are still several travel rules in place that holidaymakers must attach to in order to enter the US.

The Manhattan skyline could be on the horizon for many soon.

The Manhattan skyline could be on the horizon for many soon.

Fully vaccinated Irish people can enter the country if they provide proof of vaccination status and a negative Covid-nineteen test prior to boarding the airplane.

The negative coronavirus issue must exist from a exam taken no more than one 24-hour interval before travel to the United states.

This applies to all air passengers, regardless of citizenship.

The US government requires that the proof of vaccination status shows that you accept been fully vaccinated with a Covid-19 vaccine approved by the WHO or approved by the US Food and Drug Assistants (FDA).

The European union Digital Covid Document can exist used as proof of vaccination, while the UK's proof of Covid-xix recovery and vaccination record is besides accustomed.

Children under xviii are not required to show proof of vaccination status, while at that place are other, very limited exceptions from this requirement including for people medically unable to receive the vaccine.

When information technology comes to people who accept recently had Covid, documentation showing they accept recovered from the virus in the past xc days may be presented as an alternative to the negative test.

Co-ordinate to the Section of Foreign Diplomacy, the testing requirement rules state: "All air passengers aged two or older, regardless of citizenship or vaccination status, must bear witness a negative consequence of a Covid-19 test taken no more than 1 solar day earlier travel, or documentation of recovery from Covid-19 in the past xc days, before boarding a flight to the United States.

"The test result can be from either an antigen, PCR or LAMP test.

The test must be taken 1 day earlier the flying's difference. The time of the flight or the time of solar day that the examination sample was taken does not thing.

"For example, if your flying is at 1pm on a Friday, y'all could board with a negative test that was taken any time on the prior Th."

Chicago is a popular destination for J1ers.

Chicago is a pop destination for Irish tourists.

There are very limited exceptions for people wishing to visit usa who are not vaccinated.

Simply children under the age of 18, people on official government travel, or who have received a waiver from the CDC to travel to the US can enter the land without beingness jabbed.

If you are not fully vaccinated and meet the criteria for an exception from the requirement for proof of Covid vaccination, you must present a negative exam result taken no more than one day earlier travel.

Unvaccinated children travelling lone or with unvaccinated adults volition need to testify a negative upshot from a test taken within one agenda day of departure.